Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Causes of the Second Punic War Essay Essay Example
Causes of the Second Punic War Essay Essay Example Causes of the Second Punic War Essay Paper Causes of the Second Punic War Essay Paper The Second Punic war â€Å"was the greatest and most unsafe one Rome was compelled to contend on their manner to the conquering of the Mediterranean. †With 17 old ages of conflict doing heavy casualties to be suffered on both sides. the Second Punic War has proven to be an of import clip period in the Roman and Punic imperiums. For Rome. the terminal of the war meant â€Å"the desertion of most Southern Italy†( Kagan 232. 1995 ) and many economic jobs. For Carthage this meant the terminal of their rise to power. and the realisation that the thought of Mediterranean control being based in Africa instead than Europe was no longer a possibility ( Kagan 233. 1995 ) . Both imperiums had a batch at interest upon come ining the war. but as will be discussed. many historiographers believe that eventual struggle was inevitable. Past grudges and conflicts pitted the Romans and Carthaginians against one another finally taking to the Second Punic War and the ensuing ruin of Carthage. The ancient beginnings written by Livy. Polybius Dio Cassius and Appian topographic point a great trade of incrimination on Hannibal in get downing the Second Punic War. Though some of the writers warrant his actions to an extent. Hannibal’s invasion of Saguntum is pinpointed as the immediate cause of the Second Punic War. Dio Cassius and Appian find small understanding in the motivations behind Hannibal’s actions. As discussed by each of the authors. Hannibal’s male parent. after the loss of Sicily. harbored utmost hatred toward the Romans and transfuse these feelings into Hannibal from a really immature age. All four writers mention an curse taken by Hannibal at age nine in which he vowed retaliation against the Romans for their unfair actions. Livy writes that this curse â€Å"bound Hannibal to turn out himself. every bit shortly as he could. an enemy to the Roman people†( Kagan 93-94. 1975 ) . Certain plenty. upon go uping to power. â€Å"as if Italy had been decreed to him as his state. and the war with Rome committed to him. †( Kagan 95. 1975 ) Hannibal marched toward Saguntum with the cognition that this would acquire a rise out of the Romans. Ultimately. Livy asserts that the incrimination is dependent on â€Å"whether it was allowed to be done by the treaty†( Kagan 103. 1975 ) . Polybius outlines three clear causes of the Second Punic war. First. as other ancient writers. Polybius points to Hannibal’s curse and longstanding score against the Romans. However. he continues to explicate the grounds for Hannibal’s fury. the First Punic War. which Polybius calls â€Å"the most of import cause of the subsequent war†( Kagan106. 1975 ) . At the stopping point of the materialistic war. Carthage did all it could to avoid struggle with Rome. finally bing them Sardinia and big insurances that were to paid to the Romans both instantly and over clip. This unequal pact on the portion of the Romans is the taking factor in Carthage’s hatred toward Rome. Third. Polybius credits the Punic successes in Ibera as the 3rd prima cause of the Second Punic war. Having secured a great trade of district and farther motivated by triumphs. Carthage felt that they were strong and powerful plenty to take on Rome. It is for this ground that Hannibal chose to assail Saguntum at this clip to arouse a response from the great imperium. Upon being confronted by the Romans. Hannibal does non profess the existent implicit in causes for his onslaught. but insists alternatively that it is revenge for the Punic leaders put to decease by Roman arbiters in Saguntum. Polybius makes an interesting point that this failure to unwrap his true motivations may hold caused more blasted to fall on Hannibal’s shoulders. Polybius writes. â€Å"he had non said a word of the existent cause. but alleged the fabricated one of the affair of Saguntum ; and so travel the recognition of get downing the war†( Kagan 107. 1975 ) This averment is of import to see in analysing the antediluvian beginnings. as many contain a pro-Roman prejudice. Polybius recognizes that the immediate action that brought the war was that of Hannibal. but besides that â€Å"we must admit that the Carthaginians had good ground for set abouting the Hannibalian war. †( Kagan 109. 1975 ) . In his essay â€Å"The Case for Rome. †Frank argues that â€Å"the states came to blows because the Barcid household were able to maintain alive the acrimonious feelings aroused by former defeats†( Kagan 118. 1975 ) . As with Polybius. Frank discusses the true nature of the onslaught versus the alibi for conflict Hannibal was saying. Throughout the exchange of embassies and the lead-up to the Roman and Punic conflicts. Hannibal neer wavered from his averment that Carthage was seeking retaliation for those functionaries who had been executed in Saguntum. Frank continues on to province his sentiment that the war between the two imperiums was non inevitable. but instead a affair of Hannibal and the Carthaginians desiring to reconstruct their pride. In comparing Frank to other modern writers. he is much less sensitive to the errors on the portion of Rome. Frank mistakes Hannibal for the beginning of the war. warranting the confederation with Saguntum and impeaching Hannibal of get downing a war based on bastard scores. In his essay. Frank claims that â€Å"an unwelcome war had been thrust†( Kagan 119. 1975 ) upon Rome. In analysing the other modern beginnings. it is apparent that Frank’s position is the uncommon one and that Rome was in fact an provoker in the Second Punic war. While Hallward acknowledges the choler of Carthage as a factor in Hannibal’s actions. he is besides rather difficult on the Romans for their unfair actions following the First Punic War. â€Å"In 237 B. C. . the Romans. with no shadow of right. had forced Carthage to give up Sardinia and to pay an extra insurance of 1200 talents†( Kagan 120. 1975 ) . Hallward acknowledges that it was outside the moral and legal kingdom of Rome to prehend Sardinia and coerce the payment of such steep insurances. He continues to discourse the restrictions imposed on Carthage with the Ebro pact. As Rome grew more concerned with Carthage’s promotions in Spain. they took advantage of the times to enforce the pact and restrict Carthage from progressing past the Ebro River. An of import facet of the Ebro pact is the deductions that came with it. This pact implies that Rome would non impede Punic enlargement up to the River. Though day of the months are ill-defined. had the confederation with Saguntum already existed. it was an â€Å"implied duty on Rome non to utilize the town [ Saguntum ] as an instrument to impede Punic enlargement within the sphere recognized as unfastened to her†( Kagan 120. 1975 ) . Rome failed to remain out of Carthage’s manner and became a fuss and a hinderance in their pursuit for enlargement. In Saguntum. Rome â€Å"intervened to convey into power. non without bloodshed. a party hostile to Carthage and to advance clash with the neighbouring folk of the Torboletae. who were topics of the Carthaginians†( Kagan 120. 1975 ) . Not merely was this confederation against unfair in that it was against the spirit of the pact. but it was besides vindictive on Rome’s portion. In the eight months in which Saguntum and Carthage were combating. Rome was hesitating to direct support. Saguntum was â€Å"unimportant and distant. and the stuff involvements of Rome were protected in the Ebro treaty†( Kagan 121. 1975 ) . However. in malice of holding so small to derive. Rome pursued an confederation with this state to impede Carthage and enforce themselves in the Punic kingdom. All of these actions on Rome’s portion were rough reminders of the unjust intervention Carthage had received since the First Punic war. Though past scores played a cardinal function. Rome’s continued belligerencies and instigatory actions gave good cause for the hateful feelings to go on. and finally led Carthage. under Hannibal’s bid. to prehending Saguntum as a manner of conveying Forth a response from Rome. Throughout his essay. Scullard asserts that Hannibal and Carthage were within their legal and moral right in prehending Saguntum. Scullard bases this decision on his analysis of the pacts that existed between Rome and Carthage at that clip. He foremost addresses the pact made with Lutatius in 241. He states that Carthage was within their rights because â€Å"Rome’s confederation with Saguntum was later than the pact of Lutatius. so that the town was non included in the list of Rome’s Alliess whom the Carthaginians had promised to respect†( Kagan 123. 1975 ) In respects to the Treaty of Ebro. he points to the simple geographical fact that Saguntum was located 100 stat mis south of the Ebro River. good in the sphere which Carthage had been promised. Besides in respects to this pact. Scullard mentions a similar point to Hallward in that Saguntum â€Å"could non in equity be used by the Romans as a grip to look into Punic enlargement in the south†( Kagan 124. 1975 ) . Scullard besides addresses Hannibal’s hatred of Rome which is discussed in so many other beginnings. Scullard asserts that though there is grounds and cause for the hate. Hamilcar moved into Spain with â€Å"the purpose of re-establishing his country’s lost imperium. †non seeking retaliation. Based on the pacts which had been made. and the unfair actions of Rome. Scullard states â€Å"Rome had no legal land to keep Hannibal from assailing Saguntum. he was within his legal rights and was no pact breaker†( Kagan 124. 1975 ) . As with the other modern authors. Errington acknowledges the choler of Hannibal but does non indicate to these emotions as the cause for war. Alternatively. Errington recognizes the incorrect making of Rome in the events taking up to the Second Punic war. It is critical to understand that â€Å"the peace of 241 and Rome’s subsequent appropriation of Sardinia were presented as the acrimonious Barcid letdown which precipitated another war 23 old ages later†( Errington. 53 ) . It is important to understand the logical thinking behind Hannibal’s choler. instead than reprobate him as a treated. vindictive leader. Errington continues to compose about the â€Å"unwarranted intervention with Carthage’s friends in Saguntum. †This arbitration and newfound friendly relationship with Saguntum reminded Carthage excessively much of the convenient alliances Rome had made in the yesteryear with the Mamerties and the Sardinian soldier of fortunes. Errington 55-56 ) . In reasoning. he addresses the â€Å"Roman traditions†sing the Punic war. which steadfastly blamed Hannibal for the beginning of the war. He evaluates these claims as simplified and â€Å"grotesquely wrong†( Scullard. 60 ) asserting that the Romans played a portion in ask foring the war through their actions against Carthage. In Kagan’s chapter on the Second War. he gives an in deepness background which allows the reader to to the full hold on and understand the fortunes which led to the actions and emotions of both imperiums. The peacetime between the two wars was important in taking up to the 2nd Punic war. During this clip. Romans involved themselves in a war in Sardinia at the petition of the soldier of fortunes. This engagement against Carthage â€Å"was a clear misdemeanor of the pact of 241 and without any respectable pretext†( Kagan 253 ) . The Romans wittingly and blatantly broke the pact which had been formed between the two states. Once involved. Rome took advantage of their state of affairs and demanded Sardinia and monolithic insurances from Carthage. The Carthaginians were forced to reluctantly accept. but they resented that their pact had been violated and that they taken advantage of. This declaration â€Å"reflected the relationship of power between Rome and Carthage at a clip when Carthage was unnaturally weak†( Kagan 255 ) . As the imperium gained it’s power back through Spain. they became more confident in their abilities to fit up against Rome. and Rome became more nervous sing their ability to make so. Kagan discusses the confederation made between Saguntum and Rome and concludes that either manner. Rome was in the incorrect. Had the confederation occurred beforehand. it should hold been included in the pact. but had it been subsequently. so it was a direct misdemeanor of the Ebro pact. Either manner. Rome was in the incorrect to seek to forestall Carthage from taking Saguntum. a metropolis of small importance or value to the Roman imperium. Kagan. like other writers. addresses the Roman tradition of faulting Hannibal’s curse and choler. Kagan argues â€Å"the rejection of the wrath and the curse leads to a decline in the duty of Carthage. It is possible to see its behaviour as wholly reactive and defensive†( Kagan 270. 1995 ) . In Hannibal’s quest to reconstruct the imperium which had been taken fro him. Carthage pushed through Spain in the district they were permitted. In this position. Hannibal’s onslaught on Saguntum broke no pact and was justified by any just apprehension of the Ebro treaty†( Kagan 270. 1995 ) . Each of the writers offered a similar narrative. but the prejudice and incrimination was placed otherwise in each piece. The ancient authors seem to fall into the trap of the â€Å"Roman traditions. †blaming H annibal to a great extent for the retribution he felt toward Rome throughout his life. However. as we move to the more modern writers. it is evident that Carthage’s actions were merely a effect and answer to those of Rome. Hannibal was within his rights of both pacts when he attacked Saguntum. and it was non the right of Rome to go involved. Carthage had been undermined by Rome on several occasions. and they were right to stand up against Rome in the eyes of farther unfairness. While the immediate incrimination for the Second Punic war may fall on Hannibal and his invasion of Saguntum based on Roman hatred. it is of import to recognize that the implicit in causes of the war were in fact instigated by Rome and their policies in the preceding decennaries.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Writing Assignment Rubric Forewarned is Forearmed
Writing Assignment Rubric Forewarned is Forearmed Writing Assignment Rubric: Forewarned is Forearmed A writing assignment rubric can be difficult to decipher. But getting acquainted with a writing rubric before you write an essay, paper, or any writing assignment is essential to getting good grades. If you don’t know what your teacher expects of you, and write something for your teacher regardless, you are willingly putting yourself in a sticky situation. So, what are the usual parts of a writing rubric and how to impress your teacher by following it? There is usually a hierarchy of categories that are attended to. The following is a list of the important things to pay attention to in order to get the highest grade for your assignments: Communicating your message. Is your content clear? Do you lose focus on the main topic during the essay? If you read your writing as a reader, can you understand it? These questions will reflect whether or not you have communicated your message properly. Writing is a form of communication. Do you write in a fancy way just for kicks? Always make sure you are understood. Organization. Do you have transitions from paragraph to paragraph? Does your essay flow easily from topic to topic, or do you feel jumps in subject matter? Did you arrange your paragraphs in the most efficient manner, so that readers can see the affect of your thesis statement? Speaking of thesis statements, they are the crux of your paper. Your main body paragraphs must reflect and expound on your thesis statement. Style. Is your tone appropriate for your assignment? Are you using informal language when it is a formal essay? Do you think your teacher would enjoy the way you are writing? The way you convey your message is important, but also the tone and character of your writing is also key. Research. Did you validate all the claims you made with in-text citations? Do you have at least three sources? Are your sources reliable, recent, and appropriate? Teachers are keen on seeing if you have used the correct citation style: MLA, APA, Chicago, and more. They are also attentive to when students make claims and do not back them up with information from studies or related research. Grammar and punctuation. Do you use commas, semicolons, colons, and periods correctly? Are your sentences fluid and easy to read? Can you state your sentences in a better order? Though the mechanics of writing is a lower level concern, if you have enough grammatical and punctuation issues, your paper can be difficult to read or even unreadable. Following the rules of mechanics allows you to deliver your message soundly, without disruption. Don’t look at it as a tedious thing. Grammar and punctuation are needed to be heard clearly by your readers. Besides knowing these main criteria, it is important, in a practical sense, to keep your rubric close to you while you write. Checking it periodically as you write is essential to making sure you don’t mess up and have to write everything over again. Also, if you are confused about something in your rubric, don’t feel shy to ask your teacher about it.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Implementation of ecotourism principles in Pembrokeshire Coastal Research Paper
Implementation of ecotourism principles in Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park - Research Paper Example arch is carried out which discusses about the implementation of ecotourism in Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park (PCNP) and the reasons why it has been referred as an ecotourism site. The procedure thus followed in this project is mainly secondary and descriptive research followed by primary research. (Visit Prembrokeshire 2009; Prembrokeshire coast National Park, n.d.; Stopher and Metcalf, 1996)  Primary data being a direct source of information is more reliable as it is collected directly by interviewing the relevant person or from government records. There is no possibility of the data being modified by a third party and this helps in deciding which analytical techniques to use and how to interpret the results. There cannot be a better way to study the tourism industry, which is formed by tourists from different cultural and emotional background, and whether they as well as the local people are aware of the importance of sustainable development and their views about the implementation of ecotourism. At times, much relevant information cannot be gathered from official sources. First- hand information hence can be more apt. But one disadvantage of primary research is that, it may not be always possible for individuals to travel due to time and financial constraints. (Ithaca College library, August 2009) The secondary research done here is based on existing works in this field. The resources are gathered from government publications, books, journals and articles of the United Nations Environment Program and economic periodicals. This is the very essence of secondary research. Such a research is advantageous as it saves time and money incurred for the research with easy and fast collection of data. Often secondary data is available for broad subjects about which it would be impossible to gather primary data. But the negatives lies in the fact that the quality of secondary research need to be scrutinized as the source is questionable and there is a
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Direct Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Direct Marketing - Assignment Example 1) Cost – As the cost of per target promotion in direct marketing tends to be substantially higher than that in case of mass marketing, marketers must send their message to a limited audience only, as sending the message to general audience at large with very few of them likely to respond positively or getting converted may increase the cost manifold and thus cause a lot of marketing dollar wastage. 2) Customer irritation – As direct marketing communication tends to be longer and more involving i.e. seek active participation of the customer, than traditional mass marketing communication, thus unnecessary and unsolicited message may lead to customer frustration, resultantly eroding brand equity. Thus in direct marketing it is important to come up with a list of the customers who would be most interested in the product offering and thus will be most likely to respond positively rather than non-responding or responding negatively by avoiding further communication. â€Å"Data Mining is the process of discovering interesting knowledge from large amounts of data stored either in databases, data warehouses, or other information repositories. Simply stated, data mining refers to extracting or "mining" knowledge from large amounts of data.†(Han and Kamber, 2006). According to Fayyad et al (1996), Data mining is an important process of discovering novel, implicit, useful and comprehensive knowledge from large amount of data. For Direct marketing it translates in to a description of likely buyers or responders and thus Data mining helps in securing better results, for a direct marketing campaign than a traditional mass marketing campaign For example - To develop marketing and service –delivery strategy, Harrah’s entertainment Inc., the gambling and hotel chain uses Data mining to target customers on individual basis for direct marketing. Using its sophisticated
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Inventory system introduction Essay Example for Free
Inventory system introduction Essay Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Nowadays, computer-based system is commonly found in the business world. This is because of the benefits it gives in the respective companies. In addition, an upgraded system in this point of time is a big advantage due to the great deal of the competition in our economy. Technically, logical and analytical skills will certainly improve after this study. Hopefully, this study will also be character-building and still upon the importance of teamwork and maintaining harmony within the group which will be quite handy in the corporate world. One of the disadvantages of not having a computerized Inventory System is that, there a chance of inaccurate data record in a manual inputting of inventory records. Also there is a delay in updating records due to manual process. Miguel’s Home Merchandise is a growing company with an increasing size of customers. And so, today the company needed a computerized based program that can handle such difficulties. 1.1 Statement of the Problem 1.1.1 General Problem How to develop an Inventory System with Point of Sale for Miguel’s Home Merchandise that will improve the current process of inventory, lessen the time consumed in categorizing, pricing, monitoring of the items and customer’s transaction? 1.1.2 Specific Problems How to develop a module that will provide an inventory and transaction system for the company? Currently, the company is still using calculator to compute the total amount of items purchased by the customers. For this reason, there are some instances where error occurred using this manual way of computation. How to develop a module that will monitor the reorder and critical level of company’s items? Since the company is conducting an inventory every week by manual record, there are some instances where not aware on what are those items are in reorder or critical level. How to develop a module that will generate fast and accurate reports? Currently the company is still using manual record on each report, there are some instances where the company is too busy to monitor sales reports and it consumes most of their time. 1.2 Current State of the Technology Miguel’s Home Merchandise was using a manual method of listing their items. They call their suppliers to order some items or they went to their suppliers to buy items and upon reaching the store they count the items one by one and write it down in a record book. And when the time comes to put it into display they just attached a sticker for the price in every item. And if there is a sudden change in price of the items, they just erase the records in the record book and update the price. Staffs like Manuel Ciyab create manually reports, check their inventory weekly and report it to the owner, Mrs. Miguel. The existing customer transaction is just a typical buying; the customer arrived, walk through the store and look in the shelves for the item they want and the staff will assist the customer and walk with her/him to look for the items. And eventually after paying the items, the staff uses a calculator to compute the total price and issue a receipt by writing it in a formatted paper, filling up the date, total price, change etc. At the end of the day the staff will list all items and compute for their sales. Again, using a calculator and writing it in a record book. The current system was done manually, their encounter some problems that occur in the process. Considering the problem cited, the proponents intended to develop an inventory system with point of sale that would help the company for the fast monitoring of items, accurate reports and fast customer transaction. 1.3 Objectives 1.3.1 General Objective To develop an Inventory System with Point of Sale for Miguel’s Home Merchandise that will improve the current process of inventory, lessen the time consumed in categorizing, pricing, monitoring of the items and customer’s transaction. . 1.3.2 Specific Objectives The proposed system aims to achieve the following objectives: To develop a module that will provide an inventory and transaction system for the company. The proposed system will allow the user to input items data electronically for more secure and faster data retrieval and count all items accurately while the customers will just go to the cashier and because of the search feature of the computerized system it will be easy to find if the item is available. And the staff will compute the total amount using the proposed system and the issuing of receipt is already printed. To develop a module that will monitor the reorder and critical level of company’s items. The proposed system has a module on which items are monitored if there are in reorder or critical level, and the system will automatically notify the user if there are any items that reached its critical level using color coding. To develop a module that will generate fast and accurate reports. For computing reports such as daily sales report the system provide a module that will generate necessary report to determine product master list and sales report. The time will lessen since all the computing is done in the system.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Diabetes Mellitus Essay -- Health, Diseases, Abnormal Insulin Secretio
Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome characterized by abnormal insulin secretion, derangement in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and is diagnosed by the presence of hyperglycemia. Also, this syndrome is common risk factors for chronic renal disease. Once it occurs, chronic renal failure and end stage renal disease often increase mortality in those with type 2 diabetes. A decrease in glomerular filtration rate indicates the development of renal disease, and early identification of this event is important in subjects with type 2 diabetes (1, 2). A new experimental diabetic syndrome in adult rats administered streptozotocin (STZ) and partially protected with a suitable dose of nicotinamide. This syndrome shares a number of features with human type 2 diabetes, and is characterized by moderate stable hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance, altered but significant glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (3, 4). Streptozotocin (STZ), a N-nitroso-N-methylurea derivative of 2-deoxy-D-glucose, is a diabetogenic agent acting through the selective destruction of pancreatic islet beta cells. It is known that insulin increases the transport of amino acid into the cell and increases the degradation of proteins. It causes changes in the levels of some amino acids. Thus, STZ has some effects on blood and urine amino acid levels. In addition, STZ displays nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic activity. It has been reported that STZ caused cataracts, necrosis of kidney tubules, mesengial proliferation and hyalines of vessels in rats (5). Extracts of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (SrB) have been used for the treatment of diabetes in, for example, Brazil, although a positive effect on glucose metabolism has not been unequivocally demonstrated. In addition to, oral intake... ...ation of intracellular area and aggregation of lipid in STZ diabetic rats (5, 16). Although in our study, the kidney cells of control groups showed normal cells structure, SrB treated diabetic groups had some mitochondrial swelling and vacuolization in thin section of kidney less than diabetic control and L-NNA treated diabetic groups. However, SrB+L-NNA treated diabetic groups had a normal mitochondria and organelle structure. We found that SrB and L-NNA treatment protect the kidney cells with decreasing blood glucose levels. As a result, the extracts of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaves have beneficial effects on diabetes induced histological, ultrastructural and biochemical changes. It was determined that L-NNA is less efficient in the treatment of type II diabetes compared to SrB. Further studies of SrB concerning the treatment of diabetes appear warranted.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Bad news letter Essay
Thank you for bringing in your Mercedes-Benz C300. We greatly appreciate that you chose us to tend to your vehicle concerns and we fully agree with you that vehicles of this standard should not be experiencing problems two years after the original purchase. In this regard Nelson Automotive Limited provide our customers with excellent after service for their pre-owned luxury vehicles and offer one year warranty on all vehicle parts. The replacement of vehicle parts for your four year old 2010 model would commence after a period of five years under normal circumstances. However, upon inspection our engineers discovered that the recommended brake fluid as stated in your vehicle manual was not used and as such shortened the life span of the part which resulted in brake malfunction. Although your vehicle is past the one year warranty, we can and will help you restore your automobile to its original working condition. Our company is certified to conduct repairs on your vehicle and our approved mechanical engineers can source the required part in approximately three weeks. The cost of the part and installation is three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). The original part will be sourced from its manufacturer abroad to ensure the safety and efficient operation of your vehicle and our company is dedicated to pay all shipping costs and offer a warranty for a period of thirty days on repairs done. We also invite you to visit our showroom at the end of the year for our year end upgrade sale, where you can view and trade in for a more recent Mercedes Benz model at the best industry price. /†¦2 We will keep in touch and will update you on the progress of your vehicle repairs. For further inquiries, please contact Ms. Alice George, our customer service representative of the Repairs Department at 662-2369.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Divided Thesis Essay
This year for school I have some goals that I would like to accomplish. As I am coming along to be a senior I have high expectations for myself. My three main goals for myself are to be on high honor roll, to be on varsity volleyball with a better attitude, and lastly be the first in my family in three generations to graduate from high school. Being on high honor roll for me would be really great because I have been on honor roll all my life but I have only been on high honor roll two or three times.With me only going to four classes it should not be to difficult to acquire a four point grade point average. I am capable of doing this but it is going to take work and in order for me to get some scholarships and financial aid for college I need those good grades. The second goal I would like to accomplish is playing varsity volleyball with a better attitude. I go to Jefferson High School and we do not have the best athletic programs so I get frustrated easily with how things are ran an d how my school deals with problems.Having a better attitude about playing on a team with girls that I love should be better than moping about loosing every game. After you loose three games you get down on yourself and it would make it a lot better for the team to stay positive. The last goal for my senior year is to graduate. If I graduate I will be the first one from my mom and dad to my great grandmother and grandfather to graduate high school.Yes I have had uncles graduate but I am the fourth generation and I need to graduate not only for my family but for me to go to college and further my education and better my life. Since I am the first to graduate in so many years I have a lot of responsibilities to under go during this year. These are goals that I should be able to accomplish and they are going to be done for me and my family to better my future and provide me with good options in life.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Information systems implementation The WritePass Journal
Information systems implementation Introduction Information systems implementation IntroductionProject managementProject managerQUALITIESAbility to communicateAttention to detailsNegotiationLeadership DelegationProblem solving abilityChange-management abilityMethodologiesChallenges and techniquesFailure to manage risksInsufficient team skillsUnclear goals and objectivesCommunication deficitLack of customer and end-user involvementBibliographyRelated Introduction This assignment covers the essential qualities, experiences and methodologies that a project manager should possess in order to plan execute and close a project. It also covers the challenges faced and the the techniques needs to resolve those challenges. Project management Project management is the process by which projects are defined, planned, monitored, controlled and delivered such that the agreed benefits are realised. (Association of project management) It is the term used to describe the application of knowledge, skills, tool and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder’s needs and expectations from the project. Project manager Is the individual in charge of the progress and performance of the project, on behalf of the owner of the project. A project manager is a professional in the field of project management. Project managers are responsible for planning, execution, controlling and closing of the projects; typically relating to IT, construction, computer networking, telecommunications and software development. QUALITIES Following are some of the essential qualities that a project manager should possess in order to manage a project successfully. And the details of the methodologies and experiences used by successful project managers in achieving the desired results from a project. Without having these qualities, experiences and applying these methods the desired objectives of the projects are not likely to be achieved. Ability to communicate A project manager must be a good communicator, without effective and on time communication of the tasks with the team members, suppliers, subcontractors, top-management, clients and other stakeholders the project is bound to fall behind schedule. Effective and timely communication is a key to teamwork, if the tasks are not agreed and assigned to team members, and time to time assistance is not provided the project is likely to take longer time to complete. A high level of communication is crucial at the early stage of the project to establish good working relationship within the team as well as setting and agreeing the expectations with the client. Project manager can involve the team members in decision making to ensure that they own the decisions and give their best to make the project work as per plan. (Management-Hub, 2011) Communication is vital for the progression of the project, identification of potential problem, generating solutions, keeping up to date with the customer requirements and perceptions of the team. All these tasks require good amount of oral communication that is why good managers spend more time on listening than talking. A good project manager should visit all the individuals at work in the team; discuss any ideas or suggestions that they have in their mind on how the performance can be improved and how efficiently the project is moving forward. Attention to details A good project manager should have attention to details, as without having a detailed knowledge and understanding of the project, costly mistakes are likely to happen. As every project is unique in terms of its requirements, if the managers do not have attention to details, any slight miscalculation may cause the project to delay on scheduled time. That may mean that the project would cost more than what was originally budgeted for. For example in most of the web based projects, the clients are required to provide data. If the project manager just keeps the item as just â€Å"client have to provide product data†it would not be enough. The manager would have to keep the details of type, structure and volume etc. of the data. If the project manager does not keep these details when the data arrives it will cause delays in the project time and hence my cause the delay of the whole project. This is just one example of how the absence of details can cause delay, if the details are missing it will cost time and eventually more cost, as the longer the project takes to complete the more it will cost. Ideally a project manager has to have all the details upfront of the events to deal with the project. If the project manager relies on team members, and do not keep an eye on details him and the team members do not remind the project leader of those critical events the project is bound to go beyond the scheduled time. So to avoid any delay in time and extra costs the project manager has to keep the details of the project. (martin bauer, 2008) Negotiation Negotiation is a process of satisfying a projects needs by reaching an agreement with stakeholders. Project manager will have to negotiate on a variety of project issues including availability and level of resources, priorities, schedule, cost, procedures, and quality and people issues. The project manager may have to negotiate with someone who has no direct authority over him/her (e.g. customer) or with someone who he/she has no direct control over (e.g. consultants). The project manager should have the ability to manage the outcome of a negotiation so that the differences of each side can be kept to minimum and the conflict can be avoided. Leadership Leadership is the ability to get results from others through personal directions and influences. In project management it means influencing others through personality or actions of the project manager. Project manager alone cannot finish the whole project; it is the project team who completes the project. A project manager should have the ability to motivate and persuade the project team to create a team objective that they want to be a part of. A good project manager would have the ability to participate as well as provide consultation to the team members. A project manager should provide overall direction but should not be prescriptive or autocratic in their approach. A project manager should have skills to empower the project team members, empowerment gives them a feel that they are part of the project, and it helps keep them motivated and perform their part of the project at their best. Delegation A good project manager would have the ability to delegate tasks to team members to ease the stress created by deadlines. As delegation is based on trust, if the manager delegates the task to team members, they would know that the manager have a faith in them. It will not only make them feel motivated but also more responsible for the outcome of the project. (Buzzle, 2011) Problem solving ability Project managers inevitably face numerous problems, but a good project manager would have the ability to tackle these problems well. The project manager would encourage the team members to find out problems within their tasks on their own and try to solve them on their own. However if the problems are crucial and large the team members should report it to the project manager. The project manager then can lead the problem solving process. Effective team member would help finding out the problem and suggest the possible solutions. However being on the optimum position, the project manager would have through understanding of the ‘big picture’ that how it will affect the final outcome of the project. Change-management ability One thing is certain in every project, and that is change. Change may be requested by the customer, project team, caused by unexpected events during the performance of the project, or required by the users of the final project. Therefore it is crucial that the project manager has the ability to manage and control the change. The project manager would have the quality to keep the effect of the change on the final results of the project to minimum. Generally it depends on the time in the project life cycle when the change is identified. Later the change is identified it is likely to have more impact on achieving the project objectives successfully. Project budget and timescales are most likely to be affected by the change. If the customer demands change the manager would contact the relevant individual in the team to estimate the impact of the change on schedule and budget. Project manager then would present these estimates to the customer for approval prior to implementation of the change. Some changes are necessary as a result of unexpected events, for example material shortage or loss of a key member of team. The manager would require changing the plan to incorporate any such change. Project may need some changes as a result of final user requirements. In many projects for example in IT related projects, the project manager is not only responsible for designing, development and implementation of the new system, but also that the user accepts the final outcome of the project. This will require project manager to regularly communicate with the final user of the project during the entire project life cycle. Methodologies            System development life cycle Figure 01 System development life cycle is a conceptual framework use in project management; that describes the different stages involved in the information systems development, from initial feasibility study through to maintenance of the final outcome of the project. (SDLC, 2011) Below are the systems development life cycle stages: Feasibility: this stage decides on whether the project should go ahead or not. If the project should go ahead, then this stage will provide the plan for future stages. Requirement analysis and design: on this stage the requirements of the system are specified, so that a design for the development can be created. Managers on this stage analyse the requirements realistically, and engage all the stakeholders in specifying the design of the system. Implementation: once the design is decided upon the system can then be implemented. On this stage the designs are designed into codes, computer programmes are written using the coding language. High level programming like C++ and Java are used for programming on this stage. With respect to the type of application, right type of language is chosen. Testing: on this stage the programmes are tested. Programmes are written as a series of individual modules. Each module on this state is tested to ensure that they are error free before making it part of the whole programme. Then finally the system is tested as a whole, this insures that the interfaces between systems works, and the system fulfils the user requirements. Maintenance: software’s inevitably need change; once the system is delivered the system will definitely need some changes. The system should be developed to accommodate the change that is inevitable after the delivery of the system.            PRINCE2 Figure 02 PRINCE2 is an acronym for projects in controlled environment. It’s a project management method that managers use to execute projects efficiently and effectively. Control in this context is any mechanism that is designed to ensure that the project meets its objectives. Prince2 contains a large number of control elements. Although initially it was intended to manage IT projects it can be applied to all kind of projects of all sizes. The main reason why the managers use this model is that it delivers a successful project. That is the delivery of the agreed outcome, on time, within budget and conforming to the quality standards. Below are the main features of PRINCE2. It enforces a clear structure of authority and responsibility on the project team. The structure of reporting and supervision ensures that each party has clear objectives and they are supported in achieving those objectives. It ensures the production of a number of management products associated with the management and control of the project. These include project initiation document, budget of the project, project plan and other progress reports. It includes a number of different types of plans, ensuring that all the participants in the project have a clear understanding of the tasks to be completed, the relationship between them and their roles in the task’s completion. It also provides managers with several quality controls, such as clearly defined and documented technical and management procedures. These ensure that the project tasks are completed on time and at the appropriate quality standards. (Field, 1998) Prince2 is relatively simple project management methodology in practice; following are the benefits of using prince2 It provides managers the consistency of approach Prince2 focuses on business justification It enables managers a greater control over plan by regularly reviewing the progress of the project Prince2 helps managers in engaging the stakeholders in before it is too late It helps managers as well as team members continually improve their work through sharing the lessons learned Prince2 helps establishing the competencies that are required to perform the project Six-sigma Figure 03 The process steps go by the acronym DMAIC-S which stands for Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, control and when it is finished Synergize through the organisation. Six sigma projects can be defined as the process through with the companies can reduce defects and improve the quality of their processes. It is a process improvement and defect control methodology that has its roots in improving manufacturing and product development processes. Six-sigma is used by the project managers to improve business performance and obtain measurable financial results. For achieving organisational objective now a days projects managers use quality improvement methodologies like Total Quality Management, Total Quality Control and six-sigma across all functions throughout the project. Motorola is known for the invention and use of six-sigma, who has attained the top quality of just 3.4 defects per million in its production line. Allied signal and general electrics have also been known for the use of six sigma in their production processes, to bring the dramatic quality improvements in their operations. Six sigma helps managers improve on quality and reduce defects in the projects. Challenges and techniques            Unrealistic deadlines Often project deadlines are set on faulty or unrealistic assumptions. Unrealistic deadlines cause stress to the managers to find the alternative ways to complete the tasks on time. This could happen mainly if the project manager is not involved in setting the delivery date of the project. Unrealistic deadlines do not only stresses the participants but also demotivates the team when they know that the deadlines cannot actually be met. (project management course, 2011) Techniques: The project manager can manage the stress through creative planning, search for the alternative ways to perform the task, and by communicating the reality to the participants of the project. An activity based technique model can be used by the manager to realistically draw up the whole lot of activities graphically. The manager would also find out what tasks are more critical for the success of the project, so that more resources and attention can be put into those tasks. Failure to manage risks Often in project plans, a list of risks is included. If these risks are not further investigated and worked on, they may become a real challenge when the risk arises. IT projects are more vulnerable to risks. Security of data, storage and integrity of data are the real challenges. If these risks are not considered fully, and the steps to control these risks are not taken the projects are likely to fail. Techniques: once the project risks are known, the project team can either make a plan of action to reduce the chances of their occurrence. Or alternatively a reactive plan can be made to deal with the consequences if the risk arises. It depends mainly on the probability and the impact it may have on the outcome of the project. If both the probability and consequences are high, the project team may choose to plan how to deal with its consequences. (project management course, 2011) Insufficient team skills In many projects most of the team members are assigned the tasks based on their availability. If this is the case they would lack the proper knowledge and skills to perform these tasks successfully. They may not even inform the project manager because of their ego that they don’t have the necessary skills to perform these tasks. And the project may suffer delay or even failure due to lack of skills in the team members. Techniques: the whole lot of skills needed for the project should be enlisted. And the team members as well as manager should be tested against that check list, to ensure that the manager and the team have the necessary skills, to perform the project tasks successfully. If some key skills are missing in the team members, the manager can send the individuals on training course or alternatively an external advisor can be hired to train a number of team member. If the skills required are one off and exceptional, the project manager may decide to buy the services of subcontractors. Unclear goals and objectives Projects often fail because of unclear goals and objective. If the project manager does not clearly communicate the goals and objectives to the team members, they would not be certain about what they are supposed to achieve. It would not only make the team members feel less motivated, but also cause the project fail to achieve its objectives. (Pmis, 2011) Techniques: it is the duty of the project manager to explain the project objectives and goals to the team. He/ she should demonstrate the importance and the benefits that the project’s success would have for the organisation and team members. This should happen at the first project meeting, and the manager should make sure that the whole team understands the project objectives. The manager can discuss with the team which parts they did not understood, so that he/she can explain it to them and make things clear. Communication deficit Many projects fail due to lack of communication, project managers and team members often do not provide enough information to enough people. Project managers often fail to call regular meetings with team members and other stakeholders due to work load and busy schedule. This eventually leaves team members with insufficient information to perform their tasks successfully. Techniques: Project documents, such as plans and budgets must be kept up to date and circulated to the team members regularly. A proper communication flow to all the participants of the project should be set including the reports status feeds etc. The project manager should also encourage open and frank discussion amongst the participants of the project both formally and informally. Lack of customer and end-user involvement Often the project team member and managers get hooked on meeting the internal deadlines, deliverables and processes but the customer and end users are left out. This leaves no input from them on the critical phases of the project. If the customers say is not involved in the project, the final outcome is likely to fail to fulfil its objectives. Techniques: the manager should arrange regular meetings with all the participants of the project including customers and end users. Regular briefings, status updates can also provide them with the information they need, so that they can give their input/feedback in the on-going planning of the project. The end users can also be invited to visit the site and request their input in the project, to ensure that the final project meets the needs of the customers and end-users. (project management course, 2011) Bibliography martin bauer. (2008, 05 25). Retrieved 05 08, 2011, from martinbauer.: martinbauer.com/Articles/Qualities-of-a-Great-Project-Manager Buzzle. (2011, 05 06). Retrieved 05 06, 2011, from Buzzle: buzzle.com/articles/what-makes-a-good-project-manager.html Management-Hub. (2011, 05 05). Retrieved 05 05, 2011, from Management-Hub: management-hub.com/project-manager-qualities.html Pmis. (2011, 05 05). Retrieved 05 05, 2011, from Most common challanges of projects: pmis.co.uk/what-goes-wrong-with-projects.htm project management course. (2011, 05 04). Retrieved 05 04, 2011, from Top 10 project management challenges: http://projectmanagementcourse.com/project-challenges.html SDLC. (2011, 05 03). Retrieved 05 03, 2011, from SDLC: startvbdotnet.com/sdlc/sdlc.aspx Field, M. a. (1998). Project Management. In M. a. Field, Project Management. London: International Thomson Publishing. Maylor, H. (2003) Project Management. Ft Prentice Hall. Gido, J.and Clements, J. (1999), Successful Project Management. The open university. London.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Best Way to Write Sales Case Studies That Get Leads - CoSchedule
The Best Way to Write Sales Case Studies That Get Leads As you’re probably aware, social proof plays a major factor in buying decisions. In a survey of online consumers, 85% of respondents said they read up to 10 reviews before they can trust a business. Not all types of social proof are created equal. A handful of product page reviews might be adequate in order to sell a $10 necklace on Shopify, but in order to sell a high ticket item of $1000 or more you’re going to need more significant forms of social proof. For B2B businesses, sales case studies are an excellent tool for driving leads. Legendary marketer Neil Patel used email case studies to increase his deal closing ratio by 70%. He increased his sales by 185% by testing 3 different case studies. In my business, I’ve also had been able to drive significant amounts of leads using sales case studies. You can too- just follow these tips. Get Your Free Sales Case Study Template Bundle Dont waste time writing your case study from scratch! Download these three templates and make the job easy: Sales Case Study Template (Web): Use this Word-based template to craft your copy for your development team to turn into a web page. Sales Case Study Template (Word): If youll be creating a downloadable PDF-based case study, use this Word template to compile your content before handing it to a designer. Bonus Audience Persona Template: Better understand the target audience for your case study by building an audience persona. The Best Way to Write Sales Case Studies That Get LeadsSales Case Study Creation There are a lot of steps that go into creating a case study. Let's cover them one by one. Create a Buyer Persona If you don’t already have one, I recommend creating a buyer persona document for your business. Hubspot generously offer a selection of downloadable buyer persona templates, but you can make your own if you wish using the following steps: Give your persona a name, this allows you to think of them as an individual. You may even want to add a photograph too. Create a document with two columns. On the left, list the following demographic traits: age, gender, marital status, education level, income and location. Also on the left, add psychographic traits: interests, values, pain points and challenges. On the right, carefully craft your answer as best you can for the specific individual. You should be left with something similar to this (courtesy of Hubspot): Select a Relatable Customer When you know your ideal buyer intimately, you can pick a client for your sales case study who is a perfect representative of this persona - someone other potential clients will be able to relate to. Be sure to feature a headshot from the client, as well as a complimentary quote for maximum credibility. Ideally, this quote should pertain to one of the core strengths of your business (something that your competitors cannot replicate). Tips for creating a killer quote image: Ensure you receive a high-resolution headshot from your client. Use a quote that pertains to the core strengths of your business (something that your competitors cannot replicate). Keep the color scheme consistent with the rest of the landing page. If you don’t have the resources to hire a designer, consider using Canva to create the quote image for free. This example from one of Hubspot’s case studies is great because it succinctly mentions an advantage the brand has over a competitor. From Problem to Solution Creating a compelling sales case study requires storytelling. First, you need to consider how your product helped your client go from point A (revisit the common pain points in your buyer persona) to point B. To find out this information, I recommend surveying your client via email (some marketers prefer face-to-face conversations, but I find email to be more efficient since they have more time to think about their answers and you’ve got a written record of the conversation to refer back to). Ask them: What problems were you experiencing prior to working with us? What are your long-term goals? What made you choose us instead of a competitor? What are some of the (measurable) benefits you’ve received since working with us? Once you have this information, drive the story home using emotional language and statistics. I recommend the following structure for your case study: Introduction: Provide background information about the client’s business, such as the size, business model and types of customers served. The problem: Describe what is hurting the business, in logical and emotional terms. For instance, ineffective resource allocation may be slowing production, which diminishes gross revenue, but it also leads to sleepless nights and stress for the business owner. The solution: Describe why the client chose you instead of a competitor, and what solution you came up with to solve their problem. This is a great opportunity to showcase your diligence in analyzing the client’s needs and your expertise in solving their problem. The results: While I like to include statistics throughout the case study, this is where you can really emphasize the positive long-term change you created, both for the life and business of your client. Hopefully, you’ve been tracking the metrics for your client work. Metrics such as total revenue, search traffic, email opt-ins, conversion rate and page views are great to include in a case study - so long as you’ve delivered an improvement over time. Check out this example from one of Neil Patel’s case studies. He mentions a problem that is undoubtedly common in his niche, then describes his solution along with incredible statistical results for increased credibility. Without these numbers, the claims could be viewed as boastful rather than authentic. Landing Page Design While you might want to feature your sales case study on your homepage or send the case study out as a PDF document to your mailing list, I recommend having a designated landing page for the case study. Weaving a powerful narrative, featuring potent statistics and making your client seem relatable is only one facet of creating a good sales case study. If your goal is to drive leads, your landing page needs to be optimized for conversions. I’ve spent countless hours split testing the headlines, copy, images and CTAs on landing pages, and while it can be tedious, it’s definitely worth it in the long-run for maximizing your conversions. Especially if you’re diving cold traffic to your landing page through paid ads, it’s important that your landing page is tonally and stylistically consistent with the ad. When someone clicks through to your page, there should be no unpleasant surprises in terms of the color schemes and type of language used. Dollar Shave Club does an excellent job of providing a cohesive experience for customers that click through to their site from Facebook. This ad directs to their home page, which aligns well with the ad's copy and imagery: In terms of structuring your landing page, I’ve found that the popular advice for structuring blog posts still applies. Headlines and short paragraphs help to break up walls of text and improve readability. Bullet points are also great for communicating core information succinctly, as shown in this case study for Salesforce: If you have powerful statistics at hand, data visualization techniques can allow you to convey them in a more emotionally impactful manner. In my opinion, graphs and charts are excellent visual tools for showing how (with your help) a client moved from a miserable point A to a glorious point B. Having produced numerous testimonials, I’m consistently told by my clients that the data visualizations and other visual elements were their favorite parts of the testimonials. As an example, check out this graph I produced for Royal Wolf to demonstrate the kind of results you can expect over a six-month period. Additionally, it’s important to remember that your landing page has one objective: to get visitors to opt-in to your email list. For this to happen, your landing page needs to flow smoothly from one point to the next, until they reach the inevitable opt-in form. Mentions of other products and links to external sites only distract from this objective. When I see landing pages with abundant distractions, I immediately imagine a highway with roadblocks impeding the traffic. Clear out those roadblocks and ensure that opting in is as easy as humanly possible. To reference Neil Patel’s aforementioned case study, the CTA section really stands out (and has probably been split tested mercilessly for the best results). Backed by color psychology, orange is one of the most popular color choices for CTA buttons because it pops so well. I love to use orange CTA buttons on sites with neutral or low-key color schemes. Also, Neil includes a headshot of himself to convey trust and indicate that he brings real customers to sites, not just browsers that will help boost your vanity metrics. This is a crucial distinction when you’re charging premium rates like Neil is. Promoting Your Case Study Once you've created your case study, the next step is to tell people about it. Here's how to to do just that successfully. Facebook Advertising With over 2 billion active monthly users, Facebook is a great channel for finding people that are interested in every niche imaginable. By using Audience Insights, you can figure out what pages people are following within your niche - so you can target them with an ad for your sales case study. While there is an enormous amount of demographic information available in Audience Insights, my favorite feature is Page Likes. If you’re analyzing the fishing niche, type â€Å"fishing†into the interests bar on the left. After clicking on Page Likes, you’ll see what other pages people like who share this interest. The affinity score is important to look at because it shows the likelihood of someone liking a page compared to the average Facebook user. These insights are crucial when it comes to targeting. You will achieve the best results when you’re targeting interests that fanatics (rather than casual fans) would be interested in. In my experience, it’s the fanatics who are more likely to opt-in to your email list or buy your product. Before you start running ads, it’s important to know your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). If you know exactly how much money you expect to make from an email list subscriber in the long-term, then you can budget your Facebook advertising campaign accordingly. Before you start running social media ads, it's important to know your Customer Lifetime Value:If you know that your average email subscriber spends $25 with you before unsubscribing or going dormant, if you can spend less than $25 to get them onto your list - then you’re going to make a profit. In reality, if you have a high-value case study, a good landing page and your targeting is correct - you should be able to acquire leads for $3 or less, which would yield a gigantic profit in this scenario. For maximum credibility, include a headshot of the client from your case study in your ad image (for some reason, headshots perform very well in Facebook ads). In the ad copy, include a quote from the client or a statistic relating to how you helped them to improve their business results. This ad by Outbrain is a great example of a Facebook ad that leverages social proof and begs to be clicked. Social Media If you don’t feel comfortable diving into paid traffic right away, that’s fine. You can still use social media to acquire leads for free. When posting a sales case study on social media, the same rules apply as when you publish a blog post: include a captivating image (such as a client headshot), use emotive language, be succinct, mention key statistics, and include all relevant hashtags. On Twitter, I recommend using your case study post as a pinned tweet, so it stays at the top of your Twitter feed and gets the most attention. In my opinion, Instagram is one of the best platforms for promoting a sales case study. Lots of brands include landing pages (rather than homepages) in their Instagram bios to grab leads, you can do the same with a case study landing page. Foundr, a digital magazine for entrepreneurs, uses its Instagram bio to link to this landing page promoting a $79 startup guide. If you take the time to post high-value content and follow lots of people who like posts by competitors in your niche (so that they follow you back), you will definitely generate some attention on your Instagram page. If a link to your case study is the first thing they see on your page and it’s relevant to them, you’ll easily be able to extract contact information from your Instagram followers. Recommended Reading: How to Build the Best Social Media Promotion Schedule For Your Content Content Upgrades A content upgrade is a special type of lead magnet that pertains to a specific blog post. After a person has finished reading a post, you can offer them a free ebook, checklist or case study which gives additional information about the subject - in exchange for the person’s email address. In my experience, highly specific content upgrades usually result in better conversions than generic lead magnets- since you’re delivering value on a topic that they have a proven interest in. In my experience, highly specific content upgrades usually result in better conversions than...For instance, this post offers a downloadable PDF at the end of the article in exchange for contact information. If a visual communications agency publishes a blog post about creating visual content on a shoestring budget, it would make sense to offer a case study as a content upgrade that describes boosting a client’s website traffic using a combination of infographics, videos and presentations. Because the person reading your blog already has an interest in visual content, they can pick up additional strategic tips about how to create and promote such content by reading the sales case study. In this situation, the case study not only gives the reader immediate actionable tips, but it subtly conveys that you really know how to get results with visual content marketing. So, if they eventually want to move on from free and low-cost visual content creation, you will be the first person they think of. Recommended Reading: How to Create Amazing Content Upgrades For Your Blog Email Marketing Sales case studies aren’t only a tool for getting people onto your mailing list. Personally, I find it impactful to include case studies as part of my autoresponder sequence - to warm up people who are already on my list (just remember to segment your list so you don’t resend the case study to people to joined your list via your case study landing page). Market Hero is an excellent autoresponder that features an abundance of email design themes, a simple drag-and-drop interface and calculates your CLV for you. When you know your CLV, you also know how much money you can spend acquiring leads without taking a loss. This infographic from Kissmetrics breaks down how to calculate CLV as well: Successful email marketing involves building rapport, offering high-quality actionable advice and subtly conveying your expertise. Sometimes it’s okay to go for the hard sell via email, but you’ll push people away if you do this too much (a painful lesson I learned in my early years as a marketer). Aside from the occasional sales email, the majority of your messages should be delivering value- case studies fit in perfectly with this strategy. As an additional tip, try including a link to your case study in your email signature. This is particularly useful for sales staff or anyone else in your organization that frequently interacts with potential clients.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Why is a 'Frisk' Considered a Search and an 'Arrest' Considered a Coursework
Why is a 'Frisk' Considered a Search and an 'Arrest' Considered a Seizure - Coursework Example This is within the definition of a search which means the â€Å"examination of a person, place or vehicle for contraband or evidence of a crime†(Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 195-6). When a police officer pats-down a detained person in search for possible dangerous or illegal possessions, obviously, the detainee is just being searched. The person is not being taken into long-term custody --- or at least not yet. It could be a preliminary for an arrest, but as it is, the act of â€Å"frisk†is not a seizure. On the other hand, an arrest is is very much different from a mere frisk. First, an arrest requires the Miranda warning. This is because the detainee will undergo â€Å"maximum interference†(Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 232) that might seriously put at risk his freedom and privacy. A seizure is defined as â€Å"the taking by law enforcement or other government agent of contraband, evidence of a crime or even a person into custody†(Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 195 -6). ... Therefore, â€Å"all searches must be limited in scope†(Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 272). Provide your own definition of reasonable. => Several factors are at play when it comes to defining what is reasonable. The biggest factor to consider is that â€Å"reasonable†is something that is objective rather than merely subjective to a personal viewpoint. To view â€Å"reasonable†as subjective would not only create a chaotic definition, but would also provoke several infringements on the basic rights of an individual. Generally speaking, something that is reasonable should fall under two basic concepts: 1) meeting of fundamental constitutional rules, and; 2) fitting within permissible realms (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 271). Obviously, anything that is deemed reasonable will be accepted in courts. Therefore, since the courts look at evidences based on â€Å"specific and articulable facts†and the â€Å"totality of the circumstances†(Harr, Hess, and Orthman n 282), what is considered â€Å"reasonable†should also fall under these definitions. The police officer must also consider his or her â€Å"training and experience†(Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 284) as factors that could help define what is reasonable for a specific situation. Discuss the advantages to obtaining a warrant. => One of the biggest advantages of obtaining a warrant is it â€Å"provides a presumption of reasonableness†(Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 272). Furthermore, since there is an â€Å"assumption that people have the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures,†obtaining a warrant frees the law enforcement officer from the burden of articulating probable cause in a warrantless
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